
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

* denotes equal contributions

Korman, B.*, Reinwald, M.*, Kunze, F., & Koos, S. (accepted). How Political Context Affects Immigrant Newcomers’ Social Undermining Dynamics and Well-Being at Work. Academy of Management Journal.

Kukula, A., Reinwald, M.*, Kanitz, R.*, & Hoegl, M. (in press). Bridging the Past, or Breaking From It? Leader Continuity Rhetoric and Nontarget Employee Diversity Initiative Support. Journal of Management.

Guillén, L., Reinwald, M., & Kunze, F. (in press). Too few or too many? Exploring the Link between Gender Dissimilarity and Employee Absenteeism. Human Relations.

Kanitz, R.*, Reinwald, M.*, Gonzalez, K., Burmeister, A., Song, Y., & Hoegl, M. (2024). Supportive, Resistant, or Both? A Person-Centric View on Employee Responses to Diversity Initiatives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109 (10), 1635–1658..

Huettermann, H., Berger, S.*, Reinwald, M.*, & Bruch, H. (2024). Power to the People—And Then? A Multilevel Leadership Perspective on Organizational Decentralization. Human Resource Management, 63, 333–353. [PDF]

Kanitz, R., Gonzalez, K., Berger, S., Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., & Franczak, J. (2023). Am I the Only One? Consequences of Change Championing (A)symmetry on Group- and Individual-Level Change Outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 1048-1065. [PDF]

Moser, S., Reinwald, M., & Kunze, F. (2023). Does my leader care about my subgroup? A multilevel model of team faultlines, LMX quality, and employee absenteeism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32 (2), 234-244. [PDF]

Reinwald, M., Zaia, J., & Kunze, F. (2023). Shine Bright Like a Diamond: When Signaling Creates Glass Cliffs for Female Executives. Journal of Management, 49(3), 1005–1036. [PDF]

Reinwald, M., Zimmermann, S., & Kunze, F. (2021). Working in the eye of the pandemic: local COVID-19 infections and daily employee engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2544. [PDF]

Gloor, J. L., Gazdag, B., & Reinwald, M. (2021). Overlooked or undercooked? Critical review and recommendations for experimental methods in diversity research. In A. Risberg, S. Just, & F. Villeseche (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Organizational Diversity Research Methods. Routledge. [PDF]

Reinwald, M.& Kunze, F. (2020). Being Different, Being Absent? A Dynamic Perspective on Demographic Dissimilarity and Absenteeism in Blue-Collar Teams. Academy of Management Journal, 63, 1-25. [PDF]

Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., & Bruch, H. (2019). Beyond the Mean: Understanding Firm-Level Consequences of Variability in Diversity Climate Perceptions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40 (4), 472-491. [PDF]

Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., & Bruch, H. (2018). More Than the Average: Examining Variability in Employee Perceptions of Diversity Climate. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2018 (1), 10789.

Kunze, F., & Reinwald, M. (2017). Age-Diversity-Management in Teams und Organisationen (Age-Diversity Management in Teams and Organizations). In W. Jochmann, I. Böckenholt, & S. Diestel (Eds.), HR-Exzellenz. Innovative Ansätze in Leadership und Transformation (pp. 237 – 252). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. [PDF]

Boerner, S., Huettermann, H., Reinwald, M. (2017). Effektive Führung heterogener Teams: Wie kann das Erfolgspotential von Diversity genutzt werden? (Effective Leadership for diverse Teams: How to Realize the Performance Potentials of Diversity?). Gruppe. Interaktion.Organisation.Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 48 (1), 41–51. [PDF]

Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., Kroell, J., Boerner, S. (2015). Gender Diversity in Führungsteams und Unternehmensperformanz: Eine Meta-Analyse (Gender Diversity in Leadership Teams and Organizational Performance: A Meta-Analysis). Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 67 (3), 262 – 296. [PDF]